January - New Year, New Health Routine: Add hemp to your resolutions

In the health world, January is the “New Year, New Me” season. In the first weeks of the year, people set lofty new goals and pack the gyms. Resolutions are a great way to help realize your goals, but striving to transform your life with one big change can be very overwhelming and unsustainable. 

If Improving your health and wellness is one of your goals for this year, you’ll need to get enough sleep, stay hydrated, set a healthy diet, and do so consistently. Luckily, you can achieve all of these benefits and more with the help of our favorite superfood, hemp.

What is hemp? Hemp is derived from Cannabis Sativa L., a herbaceous, anemophilous plant belonging to the Cannabaceae family, the same species of plant as CBD and marijuana.

CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is an active ingredient found in cannabis plants. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is not psychoactive.

Note: Hemp and Hemp derived CBD products will NOT cause hallucinations or get you “high.” CBD products may have trace amounts of THC, up to 0.3%, which is not enough to produce a psychoactive response. Read our FAQs for other commonly asked questions.

Why do we love this plant so much? Hemp products have tremendous nutritional value, containing omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, high levels of vegan protein, all nine essential amino acids, plus fiber, and an impressive array of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfur, Arginine, Magnesium, and Zinc. 

With so many safe, easy-to-use hemp products, sneaking the superfood into your daily health regimen is easier than ever. Take a look:

Wake up and smell the (infused) coffee!

The best part of waking up is coffee–plus hemp– in your cup! Hemp has a rich nutritional profile, containing high levels of minerals and vitamins the body needs. Add hemp or CBD extract (like ours) to your morning cup of coffee or tea to start your day with a healthy boost.

Extracts may also be taken sublingually for the same benefits.

Add hemp to your exercise routine.

Headed to the gym? Upgrade your workout with a plant-based hemp protein shake. 

Keep CBD around for your post-workout to aid in recovery! Research shows that CBD could fight exercise-induced inflammation and ease tight muscles. With discomfort a thing of the past, it’ll be easier to sustain your new workout routine all year long. 

Indulge in some self-care.

Turn your moisturizing routine into a spa day by adding CBD! You can use CBD-infused topical serums, body lotions, and face moisturizers—or add a drop of Kannabu CBD tincture to the lotion you already use. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD could be a great additive to lotion for soothing dry, irritated skin.

For more about the specific benefits of CBD, visit https://www.kannabu.com/blog/worth-the-hype

Eat hemp for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Hemp products are teeming with vitamins, all nine essential amino acids, high levels of protein, and more essential nutrients with proven health benefits. Research shows adding hemp to your diet could potentially:

(Click on above items to visit original scientific sources.) 

Eating shelled hemp seeds (hemp hearts) is as simple as sprinkling a spoonful or two into smoothies or on top of cereal, salads, or yogurt. Cold-pressed hemp oil can be added to marinades, dips, or sauces, used as a finishing drizzle over salads, or swirled into smoothies for an easy, on-the-go meal. Prepare hemp-roasted pumpkin seeds to elevate your dishes, or make your own hemp milk as an alternative to dairy products.

CBD may also be added to food or beverages or taken sublingually for potential beneficial effects on stress, pain, high blood pressure, harmful inflammation, and more

Use CBD as a sleep aid.

Hemp can be used to fuel your day in the morning and wind down at night.iCBD is a great tool to calm intrusive thoughts before laying down to sleep. While more research is needed, some of the most conclusive studies to date link CBD-use to improved sleep due to its ability to decrease anxiety.

Some reasons to consider CBD for sleep include wanting to try a plant-based option or seeking a healthy alternative to conventional treatments that haven’t been effective. Ultimately, the choice to use CBD for sleep or any other part of your routine is between you and your healthcare provider.

For a deeper dive benefits of hemp and CBD, read our article: https://www.kannabu.com/blog/worth-the-hype.   

Read our article, “Worth The Hype? The Truth & Benefits of CBD and Hemp,” for a deeper dive into the health benefits of hemp and CBD.

To make it easier to incorporate hemp and CBD into your daily routine, Kannabu has created a wide range of products, which include oils and edibles. All Kannabu products are from 100% U.S.A.-grown hemp, contain essential nutrients, and are all-natural, vegan, and gluten-free.

What’s on your list of goals for 2023? How will you incorporate this versatile superfood into your routine to help? Explore our online store to find the right hemp product for you and kick-start your wellness journey.

Find recipes incorporating hemp oil, hemp hearts, or hemp protein by visiting https://www.kannabu.com/recipes. Follow @Kannabu_Hemp on social media to be alerted about new recipes.

About the author - Tessa Dines is an award-winning, NYC-based copywriter with BKN Creative. She transforms difficult to understand scientific, legal, and industry-specific information into digestible content for curious audiences of any age. Tessa has a green thumb, three cats, and nearly a decade of writing under her belt. 

Disclaimer: Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend consulting with a medical professional. As with any addition to your health routine, speak with your healthcare provider before combining CBD products with your current medications to see if this treatment is proper for you.


Fall In Love With Hemp Hearts (Product Deep Dive)


Glossary of CBD & Hemp-Related Terms